Christian Counseling - Banning Tanning
It is becoming ever more obvious that Man's logic is not the same as God's. The most recent example of this is the FDA considering banning the use of tanning beds for people under the age of 18. There could be multiple reactions to this story. Now, I am am not now nor have I ever been someone who has entered a tanning salon. My exposure to the world of tanning is limited to a "Friends" episode where Ross ventured unsuccessfully into a salon. One would only have to take a look at the Casperesque whiteness of my skin to know that tanning is not something that I think of very often.
As a society, we see people who are tan and thin as being more attractive. This is an interesting phenomenon since, prior to the 1900s, the opposite was considered attractive. If you look at the art of the 18th and 19th centuries, you will see that people were considered attractive if they were pale and, shall we say, slightly on the chubby side. The reason for this was that if you were pale and heavier, it meant that you had money for food and were not working outside. These were all attractive qualities at the time. Now, some of you may be thinking that I was born in the wrong century. Maybe if I was born earlier, I could have been the George Clooney of the 19th century.
There is another reason that the tanning issue is interesting to me. Actually, I find it more infuriating than interesting as it shows again how far we have moved away from God. We are interested in banning tanning because it is harmful to teens. However, that is not the only reason. If that were the case, we would ban all kinds of things that teens are involved in today. It is not just that it is harmful, it is that we consider teens judgment so poor that they cannot make the determination themselves about what is healthy or unhealthy for them. So, the government is interested in banning something that is potentially harmful for the teen because they do not yet have the ability to consider the long-term consequences of their actions. However, teenagers are encouraged to engage in sexual relationships and allowed to get abortions in many cases without parental consent or notification.
As we approach the celebration of Jesus' death and His glorious resurrection, I am reminded more and more of how our society is desperately in need of a Savior. Please join me in praying for our country. In addition, please pray for our leaders, including President Obama, that they will not just serve the will of the people, but will serve the will of God. Pray that our leaders and our fellow citizens will stand as one in defense of the sanctity of life. God bless you all this Easter.
Labels: ChristianLife, Miscellaneous